Saturday, January 30, 2021

Latex Leopard Dress


I don't usually make outfits or costumes for other people but I've tried to venture out and try it here and there. This was the perfect example of that. Loli is a sister of mine and she moved to LA and started modeling in the last couple years....and she's a fan of leopard print. 

So I ordered some custom glitter leopard latex from my latex sheeting merchant of choice, Yummy Gummy Latex, and went to work. 

This was before I started streaming on twitch but I did do a live stream making the dress on Facebook Live. 

Having finished the dress, I shipped it to her and she did an awesome photoshoot to show it off! 

Loving it! Check her out for more photos on her instagram here:

Photos by: 

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Latexing in Latex Ariel dress!

Last night was time for another Latexing in Latex live stream! 

I decided to wear a Latex Ariel dress I made myself in 2018. It didn't turn out how I wanted it to so I don't wear it very much but on stream it worked out great! Originally I had hoped I could wear it without a bra and the purple shells would cover the boobs correctly but it ended up flattening them out too much so it does look better with a bra. Also, the pencil skirt is wayyyy too tight around the knees so it ended up being a hobble skirt haha.

The stream itself wasn't all that exciting since I was simply repairing a few latex costumes but it was fun all the same! 

Check out the stream on Youtube, where I archived it and look for more streams and videos coming soon on twitch and YouTube!

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Heat wave in Ontario

For Martin Luther King Jr. Day weekend, I went and visited my aunt, uncle, and grandpa again. I saw them for Labor Day last year as well. We mostly hung by the pool, got some sun, drank some wine, etc. 

I also had some time to play Final Fantasy 7 some more and work out some new lyrics for an upcoming music video. It was some good time away for a bit and now it's time to get back to it! 

I'll be streaming, costuming, and making new videos again soon!

Friday, January 15, 2021

2020 Twitch Recap


Twitch just sent out its 2020 recaps to everyone and I'm taken back to August of last year when I decided, "Hey, I'm playing video games all alone. Wouldn't it be cool if I could hang out with other people while I played?". 

And of course I added crafting and then fitness to my streaming schedule too. 

It's been some good times and it keeps changing and getting better. Even when this is all over, I'm sure I'll continue to live stream with these newfound friends. 

Every so often, it becomes easy to get lost in the numbers; worried about how many followers, subscribers, or even viewers you have. I have to continue to remind myself why I am streaming....for the company of friends and being able to socialize in this crazy pandemic where we're all stuck at home.

And in 2021, I want to do a 24 hour charity stream, raising funds for CHEER Seattle! It should add another fun element for the year. Who knows what else is in store for us?

If you missed my streams and want to check them out, there are recorded clips on twitch and YouTube! Hope to see you there sometime!

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Sad Throwback Thursday: Chosen One Movie


I had something else planned for Throwback Thursday today but I just received word that Thomas Meyer died of cancer. We had known it was coming for years now so it's not a surprise but is still a big loss. 

I originally met Thomas at a bikini photoshoot; he was one of the photographers. We became friends on Facebook and he watched as I switched from modeling to cosplay. 

A couple years later, he came to me, told me he loved my Psylocke costume (the first one, not latex) and the persona I gave off from it and wanted me to be the villain in his movie. 

I was of course, flattered but unsure, having never acted in my life. But I went through with it and I'm glad I did. It's not the best acting at all but hey it was my first time and I wouldn't mind doing more in the future. 

Currently "Chosen One", the movie about vampires and elves, is not out to the public but has been traveling the Film Festival circuit for a couple years now. 

With Thomas' death, hopefully some awesome people from the production crew will get it out to the public. You will be missed, Thomas.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Monday Ballet Barre continues en-pointe!


Back to ballet barre this Monday! Check out my stream vod on YouTube!

Also back to ballet class via Belltown Ballet Zoom classes Monday nights. Slowly working on getting my pointe strength back too.

Monday, January 11, 2021

Sarah Yoshida : Extreme Anime Radio

I'm happy to interrupt your feed with a new cosplay! I was able to do some shooting in my own dining room! 

Sarah Yoshida is an original character who loves to dance and live life to the fullest! She's the mascot of Extreme Anime Radio, the former internet radio station turned podcast!

Tune in on Twitch, or stream the podcast on Anchor!

That being said, wow! I need to get my strength back up for pointe!

Friday, January 8, 2021

January Butt Lift

Well here we are, in January 2021, still in quarantine with no gyms. After doing a daily ab challenge for VLOGMAS in December, I decided to keep that going with a January Butt Lift program (along with my other workouts). 

I'm 8 days in and going strong so far! It's tough though, I really want the gyms to open back up again!

Check out this quick video shot from today's workout (sped up):

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Morning Updates continue in 2021


The Morning Update started out as a YouTube video I uploaded a couple times a month giving everyone an 'update' on what I've been up to. This usually involved cosplays, ballet, cheer, and other things going on in my life at the time. 

Since I started streaming in August 2020, I took the Morning Update to live streaming and it's continued in that format. Today was the first Morning Update Stream of 2021. 

If you can make it to come hang out or ask me questions live, great! And if not, I post the recorded streams on my YouTube channel too!