Tuesday, July 27, 2021

New Facebook group!

More and more, I'm needing a place to promote interaction with my friends online. People keep creating discords and I just didn't want to go that route so for now, I've setup a Facebook group tied to my Facebook page here: 


Hoping to get people involved and collaborating in this group. So come on down and join!

Monday, July 26, 2021

Latex Dark Supergirl Photoshoot

 I am finally doing photoshoots again yay! Just shot my Latex Dark Supergirl I made back in 2019! 

Look for pics soon!

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Quick poll on Streaming schedules

 Just a quick poll. If you like to watch me stream or maybe can't seem to make it to my stream because it's not on your schedule, now's the time to vote for when you'd like to see me streaming!


Streaming Vacation

 Well it's been a long time since I took a vacation from Twitch and what better time to do so than right before my 1 year Twitch Anniversary? 

I'm going to take the next week and a half off y'all. Maybe redo some overlays, do some writing, work on some projects, etc. 

I'll be back for the Morning Update on the day of my 1 year on Twitch! 

Friday, July 23, 2021

Cosplay in the Geek Fort : Interview with Joel!

A new interview is up with Joel in his "Cosplay in the Geekfort" series. In it, I talk about how I got into cosplay, latex, ballet, cheer, making tutus and all the things! Hope you enjoy it!


Thursday, July 22, 2021

The Morning Update

Happy S.H.I.T. Day! Another morning update happened! We got to talk about a lot of fitness stuff and I also mentioned how I have been researching stuff for my new book. 


Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Another Charity Raid Train?!?!

 Yes it's true! Another DatCom Charity Raid Train is coming your way in August! We'll once again be raising funds for the Trevor Project the weekend of August 20th! I'll be streaming for this during my regular Friday night time slot, probably playing Skyward Sword OR a special karaoke setup. We'll see!

Promo video here: 

Monday, July 19, 2021

Fundraiser results and This week's schedule

Wow! What an awesome 24 hour fundraiser with our Glamorous Sailor Scouts of Love Stream team! Everybody did such a great job and we have all of you to thank for the donations and sharing and hanging out with us all day Sunday! 

I had arbritraily set $5000 as the goal but we had tried to lower it to $2000 because I wasn't sure if that was too high thinking but look what all of you made happen! We went over $6000 for Stand up To Cancer!!!! 

Hugely special thanks to BB as the top donor of $650! 

This week, I'm taking a bit of a break so I'll only be streaming two times. We'll see what happens going forward but I also need to start concentrating more on my upcoming novel and planning several events like my birthday. 

Monday, July 12, 2021

This week's schedule

 Back to a somewhat normal schedule this week. Friday I'll be starting the new Zelda Skyward Sword and putting FF8 on hold for a while. 

Also, Saturday night, later.....I'll be kicking off a 24 hour charity event with 11 other Sailor Scouts! It's going to be fun.

Here's a promo vid for that: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sC_kBKgi-g8 

Sunday, July 11, 2021

Pills Pills Pills (Parody of Bills Bills Bills by Destiny's Child)

 I don't know about yall but I take a lot of vitamins. Sometimes I'm like, wtf are all these for? Can't I just eat more? 

Huge thanks to my girls, JJ, Abi Sue Costumes, and Mina P Cosplay for joining me in videoing this. It was great hanging out too! 

Abi Sue Costumes: http://youtube.com/abisuecostumes 

Mina P Cosplay: https://www.instagram.com/ms.mina.p 

JJ: https://www.instagram.com/vandersnark 

Also it was awesome to have my brother, Josh Truax with us too! https://www.imdb.com/name/nm2603750 

Note: No pills were actually consumed in the making of this video.

Pills Pills Pills (Parody of Bills Bills Bills by Destiny's Child) - YouTube

Thursday, July 8, 2021

The Morning Update!

 The morning update is back! Wow it's already been 2 weeks haha. 

This time we got into some pretty interesting subjects lol. If you missed it, check it out on YouTube. 


Some notable clips: 

Whispering tenderly


German Vampire Bunny with sunglasses: 


Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Happy 4th!

Hope yall had a great 4th of July! 

We did our usual at my bf's parents house. 

Hope yall are doing well! 

Monday, July 5, 2021

New month, who dis?

 This week's schedule is a little trimmed down because of the holiday but let's go! 

Going to try some music recording today!

Thursday, July 1, 2021

PRIDE Month Charity Results


PRIDE Month Charity Results!

Thank you so much to everyone who donated and shared and helped out! 


Nintendo Switch Giveaway WINNER!

Wow what an awesome PRIDE Month y'all. Thank you so much for all of your donations and time!

I'm so excited to announce the winner of the Nintendo Switch!

And the winner is........Rob M aka mrdoopey!!!! 

I'll be contacting you via DMs to get your address so I can ship this thing to you!
