Friday, January 15, 2021

2020 Twitch Recap


Twitch just sent out its 2020 recaps to everyone and I'm taken back to August of last year when I decided, "Hey, I'm playing video games all alone. Wouldn't it be cool if I could hang out with other people while I played?". 

And of course I added crafting and then fitness to my streaming schedule too. 

It's been some good times and it keeps changing and getting better. Even when this is all over, I'm sure I'll continue to live stream with these newfound friends. 

Every so often, it becomes easy to get lost in the numbers; worried about how many followers, subscribers, or even viewers you have. I have to continue to remind myself why I am streaming....for the company of friends and being able to socialize in this crazy pandemic where we're all stuck at home.

And in 2021, I want to do a 24 hour charity stream, raising funds for CHEER Seattle! It should add another fun element for the year. Who knows what else is in store for us?

If you missed my streams and want to check them out, there are recorded clips on twitch and YouTube! Hope to see you there sometime!

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