Sunday, February 26, 2023

Chrono Trigger Speedrun!

 I'm excited to announce I did my first ever gaming speedrun and did it with Chrono Trigger in the 100% glitchless category on PC. And in that category I am officially #8 on the leaderboard! I came in at a whopping 9 hours and 2 seconds and the record is around 5 hours. 

Not bad for my first time! =) 

Also I cosplayed as Ayla while I did it. It was a lot of fun and I have to say I will probably be doing it again at some point!

Anyway if you missed it, I made a promo for Ayla here:

And the speedrun stream will be posted on youtube here soon:


Just a reminder too, if you are not following my FREE Patreon, check it out here: 
I have been posting a lot of content over there!

Sunday, January 1, 2023

Happy New Year: Patreon going forward

 Hey yall! Happy new year!

It's official, I'll be posting updates continually on my FREE Patron primarily. So please go follow me there. There has been some confusion because Patron makes it a little confusing to find the "Free" option. When you navigate to my patron page, you'll see some Membership tiers that cost money. If you want to support me, great. If not, no worries. 

Just scroll down to find the "Follow" button and that will get you all setup to follow my posts for free.

Thank you so much and I hope you all have a fantastic year!

Sunday, September 25, 2022

Released my first Audio book!

Excited to report I've released my first audio book! If you've been wondering about my books but don't have time to read, this might be the way to consume them instead. Let me know what you think!

Also, remember, I'm now posting on my FREE Patreon: so this email list / blog will not be updated very much going forward. Check it out and Follow for free. You don't need to pay to just follow.

Monday, August 29, 2022

Trying out Patreon

In 2021, I setup this website with its blog format to get away from Social media algorithms and guarantee that you all would be able to see my content. I setup the website and an email list you could subscribe to. It's funny to think about since it's very old technology (Blogger and email list) and it did ok. 

Well it's 2022 and I'm exploring something new. 

Most know that Patreon can be used for creators to collect funds from followers but what you probably didn't know is that it also hosts a way to post FREE content and email/notify it out to all users interested. 

So going forward I think I'm going to give it a try. I want to keep my content free in general so that won't change but I have also had people who wanted to support me as well so maybe in the future I might create extra content with that in mind. 

I'll also be forwarding over to there as well. Follow me there and you'll get the same email updates you got via this website , except you also will have the added benefit of using the Patreon app if you want to get non-email based notifications too! 

Oh this is also easier on me as I can use an app on my phone to post content instead of always having to jump over to the web to make these posts. 

Anyway, check out my new patreon page at : . 

You can Follow for free or become a patron.

Thanks for being awesome followers and supporters of my work! 

Photography: Journeys in Color

September Streaming Schedule

 September is almost here! I'll be in at Atlanta for DragonCon for the first week of September but when I get back, we're going to get back into streaming. 

I am hoping to start on a new game, "I am Setsuna" and of course Genshin impact streams will be happening periodically too. 

Finally, I'll host a Karaoke stream on September 17th, it's been a while!

Photography: Journey's In Color

DragonCon 2022 Lineup!

 So excited to go back to DragonCon this year! I haven't been since 2017! 

Here's my costume lineup!

Ariel shot by MW photography

Sunday, August 28, 2022

New Music Video: My Favorite Toys

For my CHEER Seattle PRIDE 2022 Fundraiser, I let donors vote on the topic of my next music video parody. "My Favorite Toys" was randomly suggested and it won. 

So hey! I got creative lol. Hope you enjoy! 

This video is not affiliated with CHEER Seattle or any other organization but rather is the creation of myself alone. Thanks to my boyfriend, Ryan Rainbow, for being a part of it. =) 

That being said, if you would like to donate, check out CHEER Seattle: