Monday, August 29, 2022

Trying out Patreon

In 2021, I setup this website with its blog format to get away from Social media algorithms and guarantee that you all would be able to see my content. I setup the website and an email list you could subscribe to. It's funny to think about since it's very old technology (Blogger and email list) and it did ok. 

Well it's 2022 and I'm exploring something new. 

Most know that Patreon can be used for creators to collect funds from followers but what you probably didn't know is that it also hosts a way to post FREE content and email/notify it out to all users interested. 

So going forward I think I'm going to give it a try. I want to keep my content free in general so that won't change but I have also had people who wanted to support me as well so maybe in the future I might create extra content with that in mind. 

I'll also be forwarding over to there as well. Follow me there and you'll get the same email updates you got via this website , except you also will have the added benefit of using the Patreon app if you want to get non-email based notifications too! 

Oh this is also easier on me as I can use an app on my phone to post content instead of always having to jump over to the web to make these posts. 

Anyway, check out my new patreon page at : . 

You can Follow for free or become a patron.

Thanks for being awesome followers and supporters of my work! 

Photography: Journeys in Color

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