Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Workout Wednesdays!

 I thought I'd start a new posting regime on Wednesdays about some working out. 

Through the pandemic, it's been struggle to keep working out and yet if I want to stay active, I have to keep moving. I have a back condition and now recently a knee condition that require constant strength training and stretching so I have to at minimum keep up on those. 

Outside of ballet and cheer, I've been back to the gym (with mask on) around 2-3 times a week and I'd like to get that to a harder 3-4 times to get some of my strength back. 

I also recently watched a video on YouTube where a lady talked about how if you want visible abs, you need to do certain exercises that actually work those muscles. With all the work on my back and core over the last couple years, I've kind of let regular ab work (crunches, etc) fall by the wayside. 

So today I'm starting on adding them back into my regime. Hope you all have a fantastic Hump Day! 

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