Monday, May 31, 2021

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Streaming Schedule

 This week's streaming schedule! Happy PRIDE Month!

I'm excited to announce that starting June 1st for the whole month of June, I am raising funds for Cheer Seattle! I'll also be doing a 24 hour charity stream on a weekend in June coming up!

There'll be a post about it with more info later this week!

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Morning Update 5/27/21

 Did a quick morning update stream this week with my new Pride background/overlays starting. Getting ready for June and raising funds for Cheer Seattle!

Also getting my stitches out today!

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Bedazzling my knee brace

 It's been decided. If I have to wear this knee brace for a month or two then IT BETTER BE PRETTY! 

So I've been bedazzling it....god this takes too long. But here's a live stream I did of doing it.

Monday, May 24, 2021

All out of Rum

 Pirates get upset about lack of rum. Vampires get upset about lack of blood. It all makes sense really. I guess we all have our things, eh? No judgement.

Shoulders Lifting Stream

 Another lifting stream this morning, starting the week off right! We also discussed some bitcoin/crypto, knee recoveries, and CrossFit.

Sunday, May 23, 2021

May 23 - 29 Streaming Schedule

This week we get back to a mostly normal streaming schedule since I go back to work ;) 

Hope to see you live soon!

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Laughter is what I want out of Life

I've come to realize something interesting about myself over the last year or so. It's been going on for longer than that but I've only just started to really get introspective with this realization. 

I love laughing. 

In fact, laughter may be my favorite thing in life. 

And well the truth is, I naturally laugh a lot. Anyone can easily make me laugh. A simple pun or stupid joke; it doesn't take much. But what I really have come to enjoy are more special times of laughter. 

I was watching Psych the other day, a TV show I've been showing my boyfriend recently. At the end of one of the episodes, the main character and two supporting characters are all three sitting at a desk, chairs pulled up, eating Chinese food out of to-go containers and laughing hysterically together. They are essentially re-living part of the episode and laughing about it or something. 

Later it struck me: that same laughter was what I enjoyed myself the most. Times like when my bestie had her cosplay wings break and we sang "Take these broken wings" walking down the hall of the convention hall. Or on twitch when Starjun accidentally ran over a 'massage therapist' in a game and how he reacted to it saying "OH NO! I'm sorry!" Or the look on Namven's face when he started up the game called "Milk Maid" and was brought to a screen showing a cow's udders. Or even interacting with Aly as a viewer and have us all joking about lube wrestling, something completely random and silly. I even say that my favorite times with my ex-husband were when we were in bed together at night hysterically laughing over something silly or stupid that happened. 

It has me thinking. What makes these times so special? There's something unique about laughter. The chemistry alone involves sending dopamine, endorphins, and even oxytocin to the brain; all things that make us feel good. They say laughter is very good for the body too. But I think there's something more to this special kind of laughter. There's an inherent connection between ourselves and the people we are interacting with that brings us together and sets us apart in that moment, from the rest of the world looking in on us. 

It's the classic "Inside Joke". 

We are on the inside and laughing at ourselves or sharing a moment with each other while the 'outside' just probably wouldn't get it because they weren't there when 'it' happened.

Some say inside jokes are exclusionary by nature and I kind of agree but they also pique curiosity in those that are on the outside. I would even hypothesize that they even reel the outsiders in to the inner group such that they can potentially interact and be part of the next 'inside joke' as insiders. 

Either way, it's quite the realization that these moments in my life are some of the most treasured. I'm quite looking forward to making more of these moments.

Karaoke with AbiSueCostumes

 Yesterday I had fun doing another karaoke stream and AbiSueCostumes came over to hang out and sing with me! It's the first time she'd been to my place in over a year! Craziness. 

I feel like the music was slightly off though. I may have to add a delay to the music in future karaoke streams.

If you missed it live, the vod is on YouTube:

Friday, May 21, 2021

Bicep/Tricep workout!

 Another workout stream! I'm on a roll! Even this knee surgery can't keep me down hehe. 

We had fun lifting and having some fun conversation. 

Check out the VOD if you missed it! Hopefully will be more of these fitness streams over the next few weeks on twitch.

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

First shoulder workout since Knee Surgery

1 week post-op from this knee surgery and I finally started getting back into working out, yay!

Just a quick little 1 hour stream, mostly chatting, but some shoulder exercises too. I think I might do this again on Friday but with biceps/triceps. 

Catch the vid on YouTube!

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Post-Surgery Week Streaming Schedule

 This week's schedule is up. It'll be a little different than normal due to being off work all week recovering. Next week we'll get back to more of my normal schedule. 

Charity Raid Train Karaoke Stream Benefiting The Trevor Project

 Well we had a complete blast dressed up as Casual singing karaoke for charity on twitch. 

If you missed it, the vid can be found on Youtube!

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Morning update - Post Knee Surgery

 Well surprisingly I was up and adam today and able to get going on the Morning update stream. Chatted about the recovery and my usual stuff as well about therapy and helping others. 

Catch the vod here:

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Knee surgery!

Flippity flap Jacks yall! 

Knee surgery happened and I'm safely recovering 

Have had some knee issues over the last couple years but in 2020 something set it off such that going up and down stairs, using the clutch/parking break, and even squats and lunges were a problem. Went through a lot of PT and a PRP injection but it wasn't getting any better I am!
Doc said he found some flippity flapping stuff that he removed then drilled into the cartilage to get it to bleed out healing and injected PRP directly into the spot for more healing. 
First time on crutches! Here I go! 
YOU KNOW there's going to be a parody song about this! lol

See you tomorrow for the morning update! 

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

All aboard! Charity Raid Train this Saturday!

 Once again I'll be part of a Charity RaidTrain on Twitch this weekend! 

The DAT Community is hosting a weekend-long Charity raid train stream where each streamer streams for a time slot and then "raids" over to the next person in line!

My slot is 1pm PDT on Saturday and I'll be cosplaying as a 'casual' from Overwatch (in a leg brace) fresh out of surgery! I think I might be doing a karaoke stream but we'll see what happens.

We are raising funds for The Trevor Project. 

A decade ago or more, they were the ones that came up with the "It Gets Better" campaign for LGBT individuals to try to tell their stories to try to show the LGBT youth of America, life was worth living. 

Continually over the years, The Trevor Project has provided suicide prevention trainings and services and much more. 

Please come along for the ride on our Raid Train this Saturday and be a part of this awesome event!

Follow and check out this twitch channel to see where the train is currently at:

and I'll be streaming at 1pm on Saturday!

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Albuquerque - Parody of "Complicated" by Avril Lavigne

You might have already seen my post about my trip to Albuquerque and if you didn't, well this music video is another 'better' way to experience my trip!

I hope you enjoy!

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Another Yoga sesh

 My last or 2nd to last yoga session live stream before my knee surgery. It was fun and really awesome to have people following along with me too!

You can find it on YouTube now. Catch my at my next one on twitch!

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Trip to Albuquerque

My last trip before summer is on the books. We went to Albuquerque , why? Well it's kind of random haha. 

But we found lots to do and it was warm weather! Which is a huge requirement for me!

As you can see, I packed my usual 2 bags for a 4 day weekend lol. 

Oh and we flew First Class and my friend Renee got us sparkle masks too!

Indoor pool anyone? YES! And lots of good food. I probably ate too much green chili sauce too! haha

Love me tender! Oh and did you know the New Mexico State Flag had so much representation with symbols!

We also drove out to Santa Fe and had Mexican and fro yo. 

And we of course enjoyed some time in the Immersive Art that is Meowulf! Trippy AF!

And finally we went up in hot air balloons! It was my first time and it as pretty fun.

Overall it was a great time with some friends in some warm weather!