Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Palm Springs Vacay

 Well my trip to Palm Springs was very refreshing. We started the trip off celebrating Palm Springs Pride as CHEER Seattle with CHEER Tacoma, CHEER LA, CHEER SF, and CHEER New York! 

Then a couple girlfriends stuck around for a week and we relaxed by the pool, had jacuzzi time, went horse back riding, and got our nails done. I was also working on my novel the whole time too with a 2k words/day goal; and I made it happen. I also kept up with my workout and nutrition program and managed to mostly maintain and not gain a whole lot of weight haha.

The last week of the trip was more of me relaxing and also live streaming. Yes, I brought my streaming gear haha. But I also kept the 2k words/day up until I left. 

Over all, it was a great trip and I definitely want to go back in the winter again. I came home to 45 degree weather and dreary in Seattle haha.

Album of pics here: https://myalbum.com/album/KVeeNJmxeufzY4/

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