Friday, February 25, 2022

March schedule

 Well it's time for my March schedule! We are entering Music Video production season for the next 3 months so I'll be streaming slightly less than I have been but you'll hopefully see a lot more new music videos getting pumped out on YouTube too. 

I'll be heading to New York for work for the week of March 6th so I won't be online that whole week. 

I've also shifted the Jerikafé to Sunday mornings at 8am. 

Finally, 2 Fridays in March, I'll be hosting Discord movie watch party nights where we will hang out in the Dat Com Discord and watch movies together. I'll also be streaming on twitch during those sessions but due to copyright, unable to show (video/audio) what we're watching. Oh and I'll be eating salad on those nights too lol.

And a special stream will be happening on Saturday March 19th at 8am! Schala is going to make an appearance to hopefully finish all of the Chrono Trigger endings! =) 

It's going to be a fun month! Hope to see yall in my streams!


DarklyKnighted said...

Looks great, Glad to see you have a vacation coming to replenish. Can't wait to see that cosplay.

Jerikandra said...

Thanks Darkly!! =)